Talk:Main Page

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Revision as of 21:30, 1 February 2010 by Hkhenson (Talk | contribs)

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What sorts of permissions do we allow?

Right now I am in the anyone can read, but only registered users can change pages or upload files camp. Thoughts?

For sure! D-L

What are the requirements for becoming a registered user? Any restrictions?

Answer = No. PGG

Until decided otherwise, I've restricted anonymous editing. - PGG


Okay new one: the ABOUT OPEN LUNA blurb here (min page) has a little bit to much mission details. probably should be slid down the page to the next blurb on mission. Also I think this is where a quick description of the organisation should go, I'd like to see a link to the financial books (the link should be in a sub=page and with limited editing capability) and some discussion about openness. specifically financial. the books should be listed with earmarked funds and sources, let alone sinks. anonimity should be an option, not the default on all sources. sinks have to be public.

This might be better on the main page, but this is easier to work on . also the main page needs to have the copyright notices updated.

=Gar 2/16/09

how does this sound for About Openluna

"The [Openluna organisation] here on earth is firmly commited to transparency and cooperation among interested parties. Honesty, respect, democracy, appreciation and influence depending on contribution are all foundations of our organisation " with the link going into more detail .... -Gar, a little later.

Another Idea: Seems like there is more near term projects that could be floated. possibly a ECLSS hab project. suit designs and test beds, How about a lander demo ? Should we have an area for that ? - snyder 7/11/09

Technical rigor

As important as the social items mentioned above are, the real world of hardware, vehicles, etc takes physics, chemistry, math and such to actually get anywhere. And a big part of the problem is that we are in a deep gravity hole. I have been working on this in the context of a million tonnes per year to GEO for building power satellites.

The key insight seems to be that we are not going to get there on the scale we need using chemical rockets. A Neptune rocket 6000 t, that is twice the size of a Saturn V will deliver 100 tonnes per flight. To get up in the million tonnes per year would take launching one every hour!

If there is interest in how to get this down to a 300 t vehicle (size of a 747) being launched every 15 minutes, let me know. [email protected]

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