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To see the non HTML representation of the XML format, set format=xml.
See the complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <l ns="0" title="Because we&#039;ve waited long enough!" />
      <l ns="0" title="Bio-cellular low-gravity adaptation" />
      <l ns="0" title="Bio-regenerative life support" />
      <l ns="0" title="Bioregen LSS" />
      <l ns="0" title="Bluestar" />
      <l ns="0" title="Book List" />
      <l ns="0" title="CO2 Removal" />
      <l ns="0" title="Cat:Modular pieces of equipment" />
      <l ns="0" title="Celestial Navigation" />
      <l ns="0" title="CleanLab" />
    <alllinks alcontinue="Comm_Sat_todo" />